exams over, freedom returns :)and more activities coming up.
it's been a week of cash outflow > cash inflow.
expenses piling up, need to get a part time job soon!
anyone who can help??

recent updates:
Visit to the Sister's Island
(a night with the monkeys
activities include drinking, fishing for nemo(s), gambling, barbecueing (cheesy chix wings and hotdogs)
bashing through the forest.

older pictures:
Hope she's getting wiser this year :)

Dinner at Marche Vivo.
People sometimes wonder about communication.All of us need to communicate -- talk.
Even for those who cant speak, will try to express by their actions, or maybe other forms of communication eg. letters
It's so easy for us to talk, but it's also easy for faults to happen, by our not-so-careful tongue.
I hate it when one hand, having announced how contented I am in love, yet
on the other, it's dragged by quarrels.
Arguments or quarrels might not just affect our moods, but somehow it makes one more temperamental too.
here's a short clip: